
Meet GeoSolutions at GEOBusiness Show 2015 in London

Dear All, this year GeoSolutions will be attending the GEOBusiness Show 2015  a leading geospatial event hold in London, UK on the 27th and 28th of May 2015. In particular, we'll be present with our own booth (N20, check the floor plan here) to present our products and offer and to talk to potential partners. In addition, we will deliver a workshop during the conference: GeoServer Introduction  [ROOM SF2, Thursday 29 May from 13:15 to 13:45] this workshop will provide the necessary information to get started with GeoServer as well as pointer to reference use cases for various fields. You can find the...


GeoServer workshops and presentations at FOSS4G-NA 2015

Dear Reader, GeoSolutions is proud to announce that Andrea Aime, our technical lead on GeoServer will attend this year FOSS4G North America in San Francisco to give a workshop and presentation on GeoServer itself. The conference will take place at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport  between 9th and 12th of Marc2015. Specifically the 9th will be dedicated to workshops (here is the workshop schedule) while presentations will be given on 10th, 11th and 12th. The schedule for our workshop is as follows: GeoServer, an introdutction for beginners with Andre Aime, 9th of March 2015 from 9 to 12 - The workshop will provide the attendees with an in-depth introduction to the GeoServer Open...


Rilascio del plugin RNDT per GeoNetwork 2.10

Salve a tutti, GeoSolutions è lieta di annunciare il rilascio ufficiale del plugin di GeoNetwork per la gestione e disseminazione di metadati secondo lo standard italiano RNDT. A questo link è possibile trovare: una  build completa di GeoNetwork 2.10 e lo zip contenente il solo plugin RNDT da installare su una installazione esistente I pacchetti a disposizione sono creati in automatico ogni qual volta viene effettuata una modifica o un fix a GeoNetwork o al plugin RNDT stesso. Per quanto riguarda la documentazione, facciamo riferimento alla documentazione standard di GeoNetwork disponibile a questo link, tuttavia per facilitare il compito di coloro che volessero utilizzare GeoNetwork...


GeoSolutions is proud to sponsor FOSS4G 2014!

GeoSolutions is proud to announce its participation as bronze sponsor to the Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) 2014conference, being held September 8th to 12th 2014, in Portland, Oregon, USA. Stay tuned for additional information on presentations and workshops about our products like MapStore and GeoServer as well as the vertical solutions we implemented for our clients! See you in Portland! The GeoSolutions team,


Esalab joins GeoSolutions Alliance Partnership Program

GeoSolutions and Esalab are glad to announce their Partnership. Esalab will be the exclusive representative company of the OpenSDI Suite (GeoServer, GeoWebCache, GeoNetwork and MapStore) for the following italian regions: Marche, Abruzzo and Basilicata. Since more than ten years Esalab develops products and projects relating to geospatial field based on GeoServer and integrated with GeoNetwork. The Partnership program between GeoSolutions and Esalab allows the two companies to offer a more and more qualified support to the end users. GeoSolutions Alliance Program GeoSolutions Alliance Program is the partnership program for companies that want to extend their market reach by adding or boosting their skills on GeoSpatial Open...
