Hi, from GeoSolutions US CEO

Dear Reader,
after almost 10 years at the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) leading the Innovation and Compliance Programs, I am very excited to join GeoSolutions and support developing of open source solutions in the US and Americas (See blog about the opening of US Office). In these years at OGC, I was not only able to see the raise of new open standards within the OGC agile prototyping approach, but also the raise and uptake of open source implementations of OCG standards. I remember, when I joined OGC, there were only two reference implementations: GeoServer for WMS and WFS and GeoNetwork for CSW.
GeoSolutions has been a company I have interacted with for many years. They have been selected as participants in several OGC Initiatives. For example, in the 2019 Vector Tiles Pilot, the new OGC API (then called WFS 3.0) was advanced to serve tiles. GeoSolutions demonstrated WFS 3.0 and WMTS extensions with GeoServer and MapStore. The demonstration included and advance analysis of different styling approaches that is shaping the current OGC standards. The Pilot page provides the videos. I’m highlighting only two:
GeoSolutions_VTP Extension_WMTS GeoServer Service with MapStore Client
GeoSolutions Vector Tiles Part One – WMTS and WFS 3 Vector Tiles at Work
In 2017, at the OGC Testbed 13, test suites and implementations were developed in support of the efforts the US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) to advance profiles of the National System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSG). GeoSolutions was selected to implement WFS 2.0 and WMTS 1.0 profiles with GeoServer. Which speaks of the skills of GeoSolutions to adapt to particular needs and challenges in the US.
Part of my core believes are openness, open standards, and open source software. Geospatial software, will continue to impact our daily lives and solve complex problems for industry and governments. I’m excited to be part of the GeoSolutions team and I’m looking forward to support US and the Americas with robust open source solutions.
If you are interested in learning about how we can help you achieve your goals with our open source products GeoServer, MapStore, GeoNode and GeoNetwork through our Enterprise Support Services and GeoServer Subscription offerings, feel free to contact us!