
MapStore is an Open Source highly modular Web GIS framework developed by GeoSolutions. It is used to create, manage and share maps, dashboards and stories created by mixing geospatial contents served from sources like OpenStreetMap, Bing or from servers adhering to OGC standards like WFS, CSW, WMS and WMTS.
MapStore aims to be both a product as well as a Web GIS framework. It is a product since it can be used “out of the box” with minimal configuration and no coding as a standard geoportal. It is also a framework since it can be used as starting point to build sophisticated custom geospatial applications (see for example our US COVID tracking dashboard).
Extensive work has been performed on creating a responsive and modern Look&Feel as explained in our Look & Feel MapStore post as well as the new theme post.
MapStore has been developed using modern Javascript technologies like React and Redux and doesn’t depend explicitly on any mapping engine. It can also work with OpenLayers, Leaflet and Cesium ensuring the greatest flexibility when it is used as a framework to develop custom projects.
MapStore has been designed from the beginning to provide users with a coherent and comprehensive experience across different devices, hence it automatically adapts to different screen size of portable devices as shown below.
MapStore allows to manage Maps, Dashboards and GeoStories. helping to convey visually the key highlights of a geospatial context.

MapStore Map with time slider at work, live example here.

MapStore Dashboard for City Work Monitoring

GeoStory – Sample of a story in view mode, live example here.
MapStore is the default Web GIS viewer of the well known GeoNode and geOrchestra geospatial platform. It is widely used worldwide. Some organizations using MapStore include:
- City Of Genova (IT)
- Halliburton (UK)
- Austrocontol (AT)
- City of Bozen (IT)
- Region of Tuscany (IT)
- Arno River Basin Authority (IT)
- EARTH-i (UK)
- Urban Brussles – BruGIS (BE)
- Rennes Metropole (FR)
- Cleveland Metroparks (US)
MapStore is free and open source and it is released under a permissive and commercial friendly BSD license. You can find the user documentation here and the developers’ documentation here. For an in-depth look at MapStore you can play with the online demo at this link (you can use the account demo with password 123demoUser to create new maps, stories and dashboards). Here below you can see it in action, where a MapStore map that uses Google 3D Tiles for some of most iconic cities in the world is shown.
You can find more information at the links provided here below as well as in our portfolio or in our blog. We regularly provides talks about MapStore (check our speakerdeck page) and webinars (check our youtube channel for past episodes).
We, as one the main developers of MapStore provide development and support services under our Enterprise Support Services offer to make your geoportal work with the functionality you intended, Subscription Services for deployment care and, Professional Training Services for knowledge transfer so you can acquire the confidence to manage and extend your MapStore deployment.
We would be more than happy to hear from you about your MapStore deployment. You can contact us to schedule a live demo session to talk about your installation or learn more about MapStore.