
GeoNode provides all the functionalities to create a complete GIS platform as it provides data and metadata management as well as rapid mapping capabilities to go from raw data to maps, dashboard and geostories with no development. Organizations all over the world use GeoNode to easily set-up a geospatial infrastructure to enable users to ingest, share, browse, preview, visualize and disseminate data. GeoNode is an Open Source and available for free through a GPL license; GeoNode is an OSGEO core project which gives users peace of mind of having a not-for-profit organization as the license holder for the project to ensure that it will be open forever.
GeoNode provides a modern and engaging user interface to discover, download, visualize and download geospatial data and documents.
GeoNode allows users to:
- upload geospatial data and documents

Uploading data in GeoNode – Notice the permissions management.
- edit data online (both geometries and attributes)
- prepare metadata
Preparing metadata for a layer in GeoNode
- style the data visually

Visual Style Editor at work in GeoNode
- visualize directly or as part of Maps (eventually with widgets) or GeoStories
- filter and download data

Filtering data in GeoNode feature grid

Data download in GeoNode
- upload geospatial data like shapefiles, CSV files and GeoTiff files as well as ancillary documents like PDF, Images, Videos, with the possibility to enable time based visualizations, as shown below.
GeoNode provides a rich administration user interface which provides analytics of user access as well as monitoring information of hardware and software resources.

GeoNode Usage Analytics

HW&SW Monitoring
GeoNode is an Open Source and available for free. It is written in Python and leverages well-known and robust open source products like:
If you want to check a few interesting implementations to get an idea about what other organizations are doing with GeoNode, please see the list below:
- World Bank
- Greenpeace
- Austrian Academy of Sciences
- EU Joint Research Center
- Arizona State University (US)
- VerticalGeo (US)
- Secondary Cities GeoNode (US)
- GB (GE)
- IBF Servizi (IT)
- MapStand (UK)
- Arpa Veneto (IT)
- Po river basin authority (IT)
- Uganda Bureau Of Statistics (UG)
- The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NO)
For an in-depth look at GeoNode you can play with the online demo at this link (you can freely create an account and start uploading data immediately). You can find more information at the links provided here below as well as in our portfolio or in our blog. We regularly provide talks about GeoNode (check our speakerdeck page) and webinars (check our youtube channel for past episodes).
We, as one the main developers and maintainers of GeoNode, provide development and support services for GeoNode under our Enterprise Support Services offer to make your deployment more robust and scalable, Subscription Services for deployment care and, Professional Training Services for knowledge transfer so you can acquire the confidence to manage your own GeoNode installation.
We would be more than happy to hear from you and your GeoNode deployment. You can contact us to schedule a live demo session to talk about your installation or learn more about GeoNode.