Developer’s Corner: Bridging CSS and SLD unit of measure treatment in GeoServer

Hi,in this blog we are introducing some work with did to bridge the unit of measure treatment in SLD and CSS. The beginning of the blog is a bit technical, so if you want to just get the news, skip towards the map screenshots.Unit of measure treatment in CSS is rather straightforward, every size is in pixel, unless otherwise specified by appending a unit of measure to it. In GeoServer geospatial CSS design there are three unit of measure, meter (m), feet (ft) and pixels (px), for example, say we want to have a circular mark, whose size is 2...


GeoServer CSS module graduated to official extension

Dear All,if you have been looking at the recent GeoServer releases you might have noticed that the CSS styling module has been graduated to extension status, making it available to a much larger audience as part of the GeoServer releases (before it was available as part of the nighly builds, for those that venture to try out new features).For those that are not up to speed, the CSS styling module, originally written and maintained by David Winslow, allows to build styles using a CSS-like syntax which is at the same time more compact and more expressive than the usual SLD styling...


Dynamic WMS styling with GeoServer: SLD and library mode

Hi all,today I want to delve a bit in the dynamic styling abilities that GeoServer provides.GeoServer fully supports a client's ability to specify a custom SLD 1.0 style instead of a built-in named style, this can be done in different ways:adding a reference to a internet accessible sld file via the &sld=url parameterspecifying the full SLD, url-encoded, in the request URL via the SLD_BODY=fullStyleDefinitionHere parameter POST-ing a GetMap XML document, as defined by the SLD 1.0 spec POST-ing the usual GET request, where each KVP parameter is sent over as a form parameter (this is a GeoServer extension)Let's have a...
