MapStore Release 2022.01.00

Dear Reader,

We are pleased to announce the new release 2022.01.00 of MapStore, our flagship Open Source WebGIS product. The full list of changes for this release can be found here, this blog highlights the most interesting ones, also, in Github it is possible to consult the full list of enhancements and fixes we have provided with this release.

The purpose of this new version of MapStore is to provide some new interesting features and enhancements together with a number of libraries updates together, let’s go through them.

Widgets Pie and Bar Charts

A new useful feature landed finally on MapStore for chart widgets: the possibility to classify Bar and Pie charts. The chart editing panel provides now the possibility to configure a custom color as well as to classify the chart by a classification attribute the user can choose for this purpose.

The result is a powerful tool that allows you to make your charts more intelligible even with respect to their relative level on the map. The Chart Advanced Options have been also enhanced for bar charts to choose between Grouped or Stacked chart types.

Grouped and Stacked bar chart types

Of course this new feature is available for both Maps and Dashboards.

Map Viewer – Classified charts with MapStore


MapStore Dashboards – Classified bar and pie charts

Cesium upgrade and 3D Share

Cesium support in MapStore has been update to a more recent version so you can now enjoy on a more performing and powerful 3D mode than ever before. Moreover, the Share tool for the 3D mode now supports the camera orientation sharing capabilities (like Heading, Roll, Pitch) available in the advanced options.

3D Share – share URL with camera orientation

Libraries updates

A lot of libraries updates land to this major release this time. Along with the CesiumJS update mentioned above, also other important libraries have been updated to ensure a reliable and up to date framework. Updated libraries are the following:

  • Upgrade of Cesium to 1.90.0
  • Upgrade of postgres jdpc to 42.2.23
  • Upgrade of Bootstrap to v3.4.1
  • Upgrade of Spring to 5.3.9 and Spring-security to 5.3.10
  • Upgrade of CXF to 3.4.4
  • Upgrade of Hibernate to 5.5.0
  • Upgrade of JPA to 2.1
  • Upgrade of Hibernate-generic-dao to 1.3.0
  • Support for build with npm 7


Ongoing and future work

For the next releases we are working on the following functionalities (in sparse order):

  • 3D Tiles support, support to manage 3D Tiles layers and styling leveraging on the new CesiumJS update. That’s expected for 2022.01.01 thanks to the municipality of Genoa which financed this development

3D Tiles Styling


3D Tiles layers provided by the Municipality of Genova

  • Integration with OpenID to allow users to authenticate through the OpenID Connect standard (e.g. the Google account). That’s expected for 2022.02.00 so stay tuned to learn more in details

OpenID connect support – MapStore authentication with Google intergration

  • Enhancements to the printing tool with many improvements and new features to make printing more attractive and powerful than ever. Below only a taste!

MapStore printing tool in action

  • Improvements to the MapStore SDK to simplify the life of developers creating downstream projects like the GeoNode integration.
  • General improvements for MapStore downstream projects to simplify and enhance the management and maintenance of MapStore based project
  • Performances and more, further enhancements are expected in 2022 to improve the loading time of MapStore pages and themes and also other new features will be available. Stay tuned!

If you want to play with the current release, you can access the live demo here and login with username demo and password 123demoUser.

If you are interested in learning more about how we can help you develop a WebGIS using MapStore or help you achieve your needs with MapStore, GeoServerGeoNode and GeoNetwork through our Enterprise Support Services, Professional Training Services and Subscription Services  please contact us!

The GeoSolutions team,