FREE Webinar: MapStore at work, NORDIQ webgis product

Dear Reader,
Join us on Thursday December 5th 2024 at 11AM Central Europe, for the next free webinar as part of the GeoSolutions instructional webinar series on open-source software products, including GeoServer, GeoNode, and MapStore. On December 5th we will be featuring an interesting use case for MapStore. Our Danish Partner Nordiq Group will talk about their experience with GeoServer and MapStore since they created a downstream product based on MapStore which is getting some good traction in the Danish market for local authorities. You can register here below for free!
At Nordiq Group, they combine architecture, urban planning, engineering, and technology, working as consultants at both a strategic and operational level. They work for municipalities, the state and regions, contractors, and developers. They work with global megatrends and understand all the interfaces within the urban value chain. Nordiq Group is employee-owned and employs around 50 people.
In the last couple of years Nordiq Group developed a webgis product leveraging the power and flexibility of MapStore and complementing it with a number of extensions specific for their use cases and market of interest.

MapStore by Nordiq
Nordiq Group focused on creating their own product identity by leveraging the sophisticated theming capabilities of MapStore plus they worked on a number of plugins that implement functionalities essentials for their customer and in general for the Danish market like integration with Danish search service, Danish oblique Photos, Cowi streetview, Septima Search / OneDoor and so on.
During the presentation, after a brief introduction of MapStore itself, we will introduce and review the Nordiq Group webgis product, we will discuss pros and cons of leveraging MapStore for such an effort and we will close the webinar with a practical demostration of the product.

MapStore by Nordiq
Registration information
To learn more about how to create a downstream product using MapStore, I cordially invite you to a free webinar on Thursday December 5th 2024 at 11AM Central Europe by registering at the link below!
Looking forward to seeing you on the webinar!
If you are interested in learning more about how we can help you develop a WebGIS using MapStore or help you achieve your needs with MapStore, GeoServer, GeoNode and GeoNetwork through our Enterprise Support Services, Professional Training Services and Subscription Services please contact us!
The GeoSolutions team,