Enterprise Support Services

We offer enterprise support services to help organizations building enterprise-class Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI), integrating and tuning best-of-breed Open Source geospatial frameworks with proven robustness and reliability amongst which we mention:
- GeoServer, the Open Source server for the management and interoperable dissemination of geospatial data according to the OGC, ISO and INSPIRE standard
- MapStore the innovative webmapping solution to create, save, browse and share in a simple and intuitive way maps created using content from sources server like OGC WMS, OGC WFS, OGC CSQ, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap or specific servers provided by your organization.
- GeoNode, the Open Source geospatial CMS which provides out-of-the-box components and functionalities to create a complete Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) to ingest, style, browse, visualize and disseminate geospatial data.
- GeoNetwork, the Open Source catalogue server for the management and dissemination of GeoSpatial metadata according to the OGC and ISO as well as INSPIRE standards
Our offer comes in different packages which can satisfy different needs with an extensive variety of options and different service hours which can be used for activities like:
- Mentoring and Consulting
- Performance Improvement
- Priority Bug Fixing
- New Features Development
With all the packages our clients get access to a private ticket portal where requests are tracked precisely and timely with a defined SLA (which depends on the purchased level of support) as well as a private forum where questions are answered with priority. In addition access to private GeoSolutions technical papers about our Open Source products are made accessible.
You can find additional information on this page.
If you are interested and want to know more, please, get in touch with us, a sales representative will contact you shortly.
Check also the links below for more information.