Animate your maps with GeoServer Animator Tool

In this blog post we'd like to introduce you to a new GeoServer feature, the WMS animator.The animator follows in the footsteps of the WMS reflector, allowing a client to build an animated map with a relatively compact syntax.An animation is built as a set of frames, and each frame is a separate WMS GetMap call, similar to the others in the set, but with a different value in one of the parameters.The animator allows you to specify the parameter that will vary and its value via the aparam and avalues request parameter.For example, let's say we have a dataset...


GeoBatch Public Demo Available!

Dear All,in this post we'd like to show the first very simple demo of the GeoBatch framework. We have set up a demo instance on our demo server side by side with a GeoServer instance so that user can perform:Upload via FTP, preprocessing and ingestion in GeoServer in real-time of GeoTiff filesUpload via FTP, preprocessing and ingestion in GeoServer in real-time of ShapefilesAdditional details on how to play with the demo can be found in the slides here below: We are going to update this demo frequently with new features. Just to mention some of them, in next version we will also add automatic metadata...


GeoServer e GeoSolutions ad ASITA 2011

GeoSolutions sarà presente alla 15esima conferenza nazionale ASITA 2011 che si terrà alla Reggia di Colorno, Parma nei giorni dal 15 al 18 Novembre 2011.In particolare il giorno 18 Novembre l'Ing. Simone Giannecchini, uno dei fondatori di GeoSolutions e membro permanente del comitato di controllo di vari progetti Open Source,  discuterà delle potenzialità del prodotto GeoServer durante la Sessione 31, "Cartografia: gestione, aggiornamento, visualizzazione".Ci vediamo ad ASITA!The GeoSolutions team.


ImageI/O-Ext 1.1.2 Released

Dear all,GeoSolutions is pleased to announce the ImageI/O-Ext 1.1.2 release. With respect to 1.1.1, it adds a few bug fixes as well as improvements for the Tiff reader as well as on how we manage file memory mapping to provide a nice performance boost on remotely mounted file systems, e.g. NFS.Release artifacts have been deployed on the GeoSolutions maven repository, as well as on the OSGEO one.It is worth to notice that we are right now discussing with the GeoServer community for switching the GeoServer 2.1.x branch to this new ImageI/O-Ext release (the unstable trunk version already leverages on this newest ImageI/O-Ext) .If...
