Time and elevation support in GeoServer

Busy times in GeoSolutions and in GeoServer land! We just finished adding support for WMS time and elevation in GeoServer WMS on trunk, with plans to backport it to the stable 2.1.x series after the 2.1.1 release.Configuring and using dimensions is performed, as tradition, by means an easy to use GUI. Just take a layer that has time information (or elevation), like this "storm tracks" layer:Then switch to the new Dimensions tab and configure time support as follows:Submit and voilà, you have your time enabled layer. Looking at the capabilities you can see GeoServer is automatically extracting the list of...


GeoServer News: Hiding layers from the capabilities document

Hi all,in this blog post we would like to talk about a new functionality that we has just introduced in GeoServer, the layer "advertised" flag.As you know, ignoring security settings for the moment, all enabled layers configured in GeoServer are made available though all the OGC services for which they make sense: vector layers are published automatically to WMS and WFS, raster layers to WMS and WCS.This is a fine default behavior, but in some cases one would like that the layer was there, but without making the layer known to the general public. Tipical use cases:you want to expose...


GeoSolutions Talks @ FOSS4G 2011

Dear All,it looks like we will have some busy times at FOSS4G this week.If you check this search you can see a few interesting talks that we will give, let's group them by topic:GeoServerThe State of GeoServer Wed, 09/14/2011 - 1:00pm - 1:30pmGeoServer on steroids Wed, 09/14/2011 - 1:30pm - 2:00pmAdvanced cartographic map rendering in GeoServer Wed, 09/14/2011 - 2:00pm - 2:30pmRaster data in GeoServer and GeoTools: Achievements, issues and future developments Wed, 09/14/2011 - 3:00pm - 3:30pmThe status of GeoServer WPS Thu, 09/15/2011 - 2:00pm - 2:30pmGeoToolsRaster data in GeoServer and GeoTools: Achievements, issues and future developments Wed, 09/14/2011 -...


Developer’s Corner: Audit your GeoServer installation with the new monitoring extensions

When running one or more GeoServer in production it is often important to keep tabs on the server and its workload. The monitoring community module, available among the nightly builds, allows to track requests flowing into the server and expose basic statistics about the traffic in terms of OGC services being used. Configured in "history" mode it also stores all relevant request details into a database, allowing other tools to perform detailed usage analysis in post processing.This is great, but has some limitations. In particular, but storing all request details into a single database table the speed at which the...


Developer corner: Compact choropleth map styles with the Categorize function

One common task in cartography making is setting up a choropleth map, that is, a map showing different shades of colors or patters for different categories of a statistical attribute, such as population.GeoServer example data directory ships with two such examples using an old USA states map having, among others, population count per state. The two following maps should be familar, the first is using the population style, the other the pophatch style:The original styles use a typical SLD 1.0 setup to build choropleth maps, that is, use rule filters to tell apart the categories.This is fine, but also quite...
