
GeoSolutions Presentations @ FOSS4G 2013

Dear All,we are publishing here most of the presentation GeoSolutions gave at the Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) 2013 conference. GeoServer on steroids from GeoSolutions GeoServer an introduction for beginners from GeoSolutions Advanced GeoServer Security with GeoFence from GeoSolutions Raster Data In GeoServer And GeoTools: Achievements, Issues And Future Developments from GeoSolutions GeoServer for Spatio-temporal Data Handling With Examples For MetOc And Remote Sensing from GeoSolutions Advanced Cartographic Map Rendering In GeoServer from GeoSolutions If you'd like to know more about what you could achieve with our support, do not hesitate and get in touch with us. If you need professional services to get...


GeoServer Enterprise 2.2.6 Released

Dear All,we would like to announce the first release of the GeoServer Enterprise.GeoServer Enterprise has been developed by GeoSolutions leveraging on the community version of GeoServer 2.2 itself. It contains natively a selected subset of the standard extensions plus some additional ones developed by GeoSolutions. It is released as Open Source under the GPL v 2.0 license and it is available for free.The goal is to provide Long Term Support for the GeoServer versions we are going to promote as Enterprise in order to ensure superior stability and maturity for those users not willing to follow closely the Release Early, Release Often mantra but...


GeoSolutions @ LuBeC 2013. CULTURA: password for future

Il 17 e 18 ottobre prossimi, GeoSolutions esporrà aLuBeC 2013. CULTURA: password for futureche si terrà come ogni anno a Lucca, in Toscana.L'evento è dedicato a progetti e soluzioni per la valorizzazione di beni culturali, tecnologia e turismo. Enti pubblici e privati si confronteranno sui alcuni dei principali temi oggi fondamentali per lo sviluppo del nostro paese. Da molto tempo Lu.B.eC rappresenta uno degli eventi nazionali di maggior rilievo per il settore dei beni culturali e della filiera ad esso collegato.In questo contesto GeoSolutions sarà presente con uno stand dove presenterà i progetti fino ad oggi realizzati e come le tecnologie Open...


GeoServer CSS module graduated to official extension

Dear All,if you have been looking at the recent GeoServer releases you might have noticed that the CSS styling module has been graduated to extension status, making it available to a much larger audience as part of the GeoServer releases (before it was available as part of the nighly builds, for those that venture to try out new features).For those that are not up to speed, the CSS styling module, originally written and maintained by David Winslow, allows to build styles using a CSS-like syntax which is at the same time more compact and more expressive than the usual SLD styling...


GeoServer presentation during SDI Days 2013

Dear All,GeoSolutions has been invited last week to the 2013 edition of the SDI Days which took place on th 26th and 27th of September in Sibenik, Croatia.The conference was organized by The State Geodetic Administration Croatia, the Joint Research Centre - Institute for Environment and Sustainability and the Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers. The SDI days 2013 focused:on 26th September INSPIRE and integrated land & water management scientific workshopon 27th September 5th NSDI and INSPIRE day.Simone Giannecchini and Eleonora Fontana were invited to give a talk about current status and future developments in GeoServer which is a mature building block for creating...
