
Preview: GeoRepository, advanced authorization manager for GeoServer

Dear All,in this post we would like to introduce an application which we have been working lately here at GeoSolutions in order to cope with the requirements coming from enterprise deployments in terms of Authentication and Authorization for GeoServer, which we have called GeoRepository since we want to make it grow even further in the near future.Georepository short introduction View more presentations from GeoSolutions Whoever has been facing the technical problems involved with deploying GeoServer inside an enterprise infrastructure following the SOA knows in such context Authorization and Authentication capabilities are usually provided by external services in order to centralize...


ImageI/O-Ext 1.1.1 Released

Dear all,GeoSolutions is pleased to announce the ImageI/O-Ext 1.1.1 release. With respect to 1.1.0, it adds support for the IDRISI Raster Format. This format should be soon be available in GeoTools and GeoServer trunk.Release artifacts have been deployed on the GeoSolutions maven repository, as well as on the OSGEO one.Regards,the GeoSolutions Team


Developer corner: taming a massive style and get a performance speedup in the process

Hi all,recently a customer contacted us with an interesting problem: how do I display a large dataset fast, with the requirement that we want every feature with a different color (unique color approach)?I cannot show you the original dataset, but let's consider Natural Earth level 1 administrative subdivision: all provinces in the world. And let's say we want to give each of them a unique color, considering the are 3791 of them.The common SLD approach would make for a Rule with filter, and symbolizer, for every single one of them. Assuming 15 lines of SLD per rule, that would make...


Developer’s Corner: GeoNetwork-Manager, super-simple Java client library for GeoNetwork

Dear All,we just wanted to spend a few words about a Java library we have just released under the MIT license for talking to the GeoNetwork Open Source Project. We have named this library GeoNetwork-Manager (once again, a lot of brainstorming behind that name, really...).Basically the goal of this library is to provide a simple yet usable way to interface a Java application with the GeoNetwork that would actually ease the work of the developers hiding away from them the relative complexity of theCSW protocol without introducing a complex communication layer. Here you have some basic facts about the library: minimum set of external...


GeoSolutions @ FOSS4G 2011

Dear All,it looks like we will have some busy times at FOSS4G this year.If you check the schedule here you can see a few interesting talks that we will give, let's group them by topic:GeoServerThe State of GeoServerGeoServer on steroidsAdvanced cartographic map rendering in GeoServerRaster data in GeoServer and GeoTools: Achievements, issues and future developmentsThe status of GeoServer WPSGeoToolsRaster data in GeoServer and GeoTools: Achievements, issues and future developmentsStatus of the GeoTools projectJAIToolsjai-tools: advances in Java image processingWell, it is encouraging to see that people are interested in what we are doing, all the effort we put into doing Open...
