
Developer’s corner: adding two global equal area projections to GeoTools/GeoServer

Recently we had the pleasure to implement two new map projections for GeoTools/Geoserver: the Eckert IV projection, and the Mollweide projection.Both projections happen to be equal area projections.These projections are commonly used in atlases to represent the whole world, as they don't alter the relative proportions of countries and continents.This is actually an important feature missing from the common Google/Bing/Yahoo maps. They are all using a close relative of the Mercator projection, which greatly exaggerates the size of all countries at high latitude (for example, Greenland and Antarctica look a lot bigger than they actually are).Compare that with Eckert IV,...


Developers Corner: Support for TIME in GeoServer WMS

Dear All,at GeoSolutions lately we are working on improving support for the TIME dimension in GeoServer.While the work is still ongoing we wanted to share with you a preview of what we are doing, therefore we created the video below.Like this feature? Interested in funding this development? Drop us a line!The GeoSolutions team


A new year with GeoSolutions Enterprise Services

GeoSolutions is proud to offer four levels of enterprise support services centered on the GeoServer platform to help organizations building enterprise-class Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), integrating and tuning best-of-breed Open Source geospatial frameworks into what we call the OpenSDI suite.Thanks to its extensive experience in building and supporting enterprise class geospatial infrastructures, GeoSolutions will provide your organization with an outstanding level of support through the full project lifecycle for a successful and stress-free deployment.If your organization was refraining from adopting Open Source software in the enterprise due to lack of professional support, we are here to help. Therefore it is...
