
GeoServer upgraded to 2.0.3 release on Standing Cloud!

GeoSolutions is pleased to announce that GeoServer has been upgraded from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 (check the announcement for  2.0.3) on the Standing Cloud infrastructure. Notice that we have GeoServer 2.1 series on the radar for the next round of upgrades.Standing Cloud provides simple, powerful, services that make it fast and easy to run open source applications in the cloud allowing users to focus on putting applications at work in the cloud rather than worrying about the servers that run them.  Standing Cloud makes it point-and-click easy to deploy and manage applications on your cloud of choice since it  provides instant access to host applications...


Developer’s Corner: GeoServer-Manager, super-simple Java client library for GeoServer

Dear All,we just wanted to spend a few words about a Java library we have just released under the MIT license for talking to the GeoServer REST interface. We have named this library GeoServer-Manager (yeah, a lot of brainstorming behind that name, really...).Basically the goal of this library is to provide a simple yet usable way to interface a Java application with the GeoServer that would actually ease the work of the developers hiding away from them the relative complexity of the GeoServer REST interface without introducing a complex communication layer. Here you have some basic facts about the library: minimum set of external dependencies, namely...


Preview: GeoRepository, advanced authorization manager for GeoServer

Dear All,in this post we would like to introduce an application we have developer here at GeoSolutions in order to cope with the requirements coming from enterprise deployments in terms of Authentication and Authorization for GeoServer; its name is GeoRepository.Whoever has been facing the technical problems involved with deploying GeoServer inside an enterprise infrastructure following the SOA paradigm knows that in such context Authorization and Authentication capabilities are usually provided by external services in order to centralize such feature, fostering reuse of existing capabilities, minimize risk of duplication of functionalities as well as to avoid duplication of users' credentials. Moreover in such...


ImageI/O-Ext 1.1-RC1 Released

Dear all,GeoSolutions is pleased to announce the ImageI/O-Ext 1.1-RC1 release which has been incubating for a long time.Changes with respect to 1.0.x series can be summarised as follows:Out-of-the-box Support for GDAL 1.7.3, which means no more patches are needed for GDAL Java bindings in order to access it from ImageI/O-Ext.BigTiff support, breaking the 4GB TIFF limit.EnhancedImageReadParam support. It extends the standard ImageReadParam by implementing Cloneable (used when supporting MultiThreading read operation) and a new DestinationRegion param to support oversampling/subsampling without specifying sourceSubSampling parameters. This may be used when dealing with readers which internally take care of performing subSampling/overSampling, such as the...


GeoServer in da cloud!

GeoSolutions is pleased to announce that GeoServer is now available on the Standing Cloud infrastructure.Standing Cloud provides simple, powerful, services that make it fast and easy to run open source applications in the cloud allowing users to focus on putting applications at work in the cloud rather than worrying about the servers that run them.  Standing Cloud makes it point-and-click easy to deploy and manage applications on your cloud of choice since it  provides instant access to host applications on many cloud providers. Focus on portability ensures no providers lock-in which means that moving applications to a different cloud provider with...
