
GeoServer Tips & Tricks: Auto alignement of labels within polygons

Labeling polygons can sometimes be tricky. GeoServer ormally places the labels horizontally within the polygon, accepting only labels that "sit" inside the polygon for at least half of their length.However sometimes the polygons just don't collaborate with that setup, they can be thin and long, but rotated on an non horizontal angle: in this case GeoServer would not label them until the user zoomed in quite a bit in the map.Some time ago Björn Hartell and Andrea Aime started working on a patch to add a vendor option auto-rotate the labels for those polygons. After a few iterations and work...


GeoServer Tips & Tricks: Auto alignement of labels within polygons

Labeling polygons can sometimes be tricky. GeoServer ormally places the labels horizontally within the polygon, accepting only labels that "sit" inside the polygon for at least half of their length.However sometimes the polygons just don't collaborate with that setup, they can be thin and long, but rotated on an non horizontal angle: in this case GeoServer would not label them until the user zoomed in quite a bit in the map.Some time ago Björn Hartell and Andrea Aime started working on a patch to add a vendor option auto-rotate the labels for those polygons. After a few iterations and work...


Fun Stuff: Computing circular buffers in geographic coordinates

Finding all the objects within a certain distance from a point is surely a common GIS problem. The problem is normally solved using OGC "dwithin" filters or by computing a buffer and then finding all the intersecting objects. Very often both of the approaches fail miserably in case the coordinate system is a geographic one, as common libraries, such as JTS and GEOS, are not able to handle the non planar nature of it. As far as "dwithin" is concerned rencent Oracle and PostGIS versions can manage the problem properly, but what to do if they cannot be used?We had...


(CAS + LDAP + FTP + LifeRay) ^ GeoSolutions = Enteprise Portal

Recently GeoSolutions has developed for one our biggest clients their new web portal . The long term goal was to rationalize and concentrate all users and applications management in a single entry point, providing them with all the functionalities of a classic web portal.Use Case and RequirementsThe development and deployment of the whole architecture was challenging due to the strict functional and non-functional requirements they put forward.The use case is quite complex since our client periodically conducts experiments at sea, collaborating with other agencies and research centres, where large amounts of data are collected and stored. Moreover, security is a crucial...


GeoServer workshop available for free!

Dear All,a quick post to just let you know that GeoSolutions is sharing an introductory workshop on GeoServer 2.0.The material comprises of:a light Ubuntu-based ISOa preconfigured GeoServer data directory containing data kindly donated by the Municipality of Prato in Italythe workshop itself, as a set of html filesThe ISO file can be run either using Virtual Box or the VMWare Player. As an alternative you can burn it on a CD and you can use it as a Live Ubuntu or install it on your system.Once you get it up and running, the installation contains:An instance of the GeoServer 2.0.x stable nightly with a subset...
