
WMS Performance shoot-out @ FOSS4G

Lately, I have been helping out Ing. Andrea Aime with the tuning of GeoServer for the WMS performance shoot-out. I am pasting here below the latest announcement to spread the word about the event for which I will be one of the GeoServer representatives. GeoServer, MapServer, and ArcGIS Server will be competing for the title of "Fastest Web Map Server (WMS)" at the FOSS4G 2009 conference at the end of October. The Web Mapping Performance Shoot-out compares Web Map Servers in a variety of real world use cases.....The performance shoot-out will see GeoServer, MapServer, and ArcGIS Server compared in terms...


GeoServer and JBoss 5.x

When deploying geoserver.war an a new installation of JBoss AS 5.x, most probably you will get an error caused by a conflict on the Xerces configuration org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration cannot be cast to org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfigurationThe error basically depends by the ClassLoader error which tries to instantiate the GeoServer XML parsing libraries by using the JBoss xerces interfaces instead.A possible quick solution to avoid the conflict and allowing GeoServer working fine on JBoss is to isolate the WAR classloading by performing the following steps:1> Isolate the WAR; you have two ways to do that: Editing the file \jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\default\deployers\jbossweb.deployer\META-INF\war-deployers-jboss-beans.xml and commenting the WarClassLoaderDeployer bean...


GeoServer presentation @ Italian GFOSS day 2008

During last year's italian GFOSS day (see here) I gave a presentation on GeoServer, specifically "GeoServer, interoperabilita' à la carte". I have found it laying around on my hard drive therefore I am posting it here, in case someone can't sleep because he is not able to find it. Notice, it is in Italian!GeoServer presentation @ Italian GFOSS day 2008View more documents from GeoSolutions.


Job offer @ GeoSolutions

We are looking for talentedsoftware engineers to fill a couple of positions.Qualifications as follows:- good knowledge of Java both JEE and JSE- good knowledge of c++- knowledge of most important OGC specifications and concepts (WMS,WFS, WCS, coverage, etc...)- working knowledge on at least 2 of the following projects: Geotools,GeoServer, Gdal, OpenLayers- at least 2 years of experience in the above languages and projects- being fluent in English, both written and spokenWe offer a variety of contracts, working remotely is the preferred option.Please send a detailed resume together with a letter of presentationat jobs at


FOSS4G 2009 Abstract selected

I have just received notice that one of the abstracts I submitted to FOSS4G 2009 has been voted enough to make into a presentation. The title is "GeoServer, GeoTools and GeoBatch: supporting operational Meteorology and Oceanography" and you can find more info here.So, yeah , see you in Sydney!
