
[FIX] GeoTools and GeoServer ( < 2.1.4) not able to load raster plugins with latest Tomcat

The ProblemLately some GeoTools and GeoServer ( < 2.1.4) users reported issues related to GeoTools raster plugins not being properly loaded in Tomcat 6.0.24 and above.Typical scenario is as follows: Geoserver deployed in Tomcat 6.0.26 along with the GDAL ImageIO-Ext extensions. The available GDAL formats properly appear in the Store user interface but, when trying to configure a new coverage, an error is reported and the logs shows the following messageCaused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Incorrect input type! at javax.imageio.ImageReader.setInput( at it.geosolutions.imageio.gdalframework.GDALImageReader.setInput( causeBehind the scenes this is what is happening:In latest Tomcat releases a huge amount of work has been put in...


BigTiff support in GeoTools/GeoServer (Alpha testers needed)

Dear all, at GeoSolutions we have recently worked on support for the BigTiff format, which basically consists of an extension of the Tiff format to support raster larger than 4 Gigs. Work is based on an ImageIO plugin for the ImageIO-Ext project, but this will be incorporated into GeoTools and GeoServer.Long story short, we are looking for alpha testers, since the impact of the change is rather large for the tiff reader/writer, therefore we would like to have as much feedback/testing as possible prior to port this work to GeoTools/GeoServer. If you are interested in helping us with testing with...


GeoSolutions’ New Website Launched

Dear all,at GeoSolutions we have launched our new website:  new layout, renewed graphics and design, more information about selected projects we have worked on.Enjoy,Simone.


Behind the curtains: GeoServer/GeoTools ImageMosaic footprints management

Lately at GeoSolutions we have been working on improving the ImageMosaic capabilities as far as large mosaic with void areas are concerned. Often we need to mosaic several datasets which partially overlap which also contain areas where no data is defined (void areas); an example could be a set of satellite acquisitions with some missing areas (see pictures below).In the example above, the red borders represent the overlapping portions of the mosaic datasets; such portions partially overlap with other areas containing useful data for other datasets. A mosaic of these 2 datasets might produce a rendering like the one here...


Automatic ImagePyramid import for GeoServer

Lately a new interesting feature has been added to the GeoServer, the possibility to automagically (yeah, it's not a typo) import raster pyramids created with gdal_retile and serve them as WMS/WCS layers.Andrea Aime has created a nice tutorial (see here), that should guide you through the basic steps for building a raster pyramid and then ingesting it into GeoServer.It is worth to point out that, to try this work out, you need to:Use a GeoServer nightly buildInstall the ImagePyramid extensionInstall fwtools or build GDAL on your platform of choice.Enjoy,Simone.
